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Post-op zoom tooth whitening Instructions

Sensitive teeth is the most common short-term (1 st 24 hours) post-operative complication after tooth whitening. Each patient reacts to this sensitivity differently.

Here are few things you can do to take care of this sensitivity:

  1. Avoid food substances with extreme temperature for next 24 hours, like extremely hot tea/coffee or similar and extremely cold ice-cream, etc.
  2. Normal cold tap water can also feel sensitive for a day hence please mix it with warm water to rinse mouth.
  3. Please continue to take 2 tablets of Nurofen 200mg every 4-6 hours for the next one day as per your requirement.
  4. Please use the rest of Relief ACP gel in the home care kit provided as per the direction of the dentist in the evening and keep it on for at least 1 hour.
  5. Please use tooth mouse (provided) as many times as you like to lower the sensitivity. For best results, simply take an almond sized amount and spread it in your tooth whitening trays and wear them on your teeth.
  6. Sometimes we numb you before tooth whitening procedure. If that is the case, please avoid eating and drinking anything HOT till the numbness wears off.

For Better Tooth Whitening Results:

  1. Eating or drinking food with colours is strictly prohibited for next 3-4 days eg. Red wine, Tea- Coffee, soft drinks, beetroot, curries with turmeric or artificial colours.
  2. Please avoid smoking for next 3-4 days as your teeth are quite receptive and can absorb stains quickly.
  3. Please use Day-White ACP tube provided in the maintenance kit as per the direction of the dentist within next 10-15 days. Use ½ of the tube for top and bottom front teeth (from pre molar to premolar) for 1 Hour, 1 st day and use rest of the solution in the tube the same way next day. Please remember to wipe off the excess which flows on your gums with cotton bud.
  4. Instructions pamphlet for home post care is in the maintenance - home care box.
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